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Find Godly Play > Godly Play Member Programs > First Methodist Church of Midlothian

First Methodist Church of Midlothian

FMC Midlothian is an independent church in the heart of Midlothian who seeks to love God and make God known to others.
Playing with parables
Playing with parables

FMC Midlothian is a church that believes in the value of children and their spiritual growth. As a church we often "wonder" together and believe the Holy Spirit is at work in us and through us. The language of Godly Play and the invitation into the presence and family of God is evident in discipleship from nursery age to senior adult. We offer Godly Play to our children during all three worship services during the school year. We also host Godly Play Family Nights and a Godly Play Camp for children who are ready to more deeply wonder. You will find Godly Play stories presented in our adult discipleship groups and to our assisted living ministry. For more information about the church please visit our website at

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